LaRouche’s Poster Takes the MSM by Storm

If conformity needed a home it would find a very hospitable setting in the MSM. CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC are suffering from a horrible case of group-think. I don’t know about you, but it certainly makes me nervous when it appears that all news networks are parroting the same exact mantra.

News should be obejective, no matter your own personal views, because journalists have a moral obligation to report facts to the American public so they are as informed as possible, not used as a tool of either party to espouse their talking points. I’m not sure what happened to the days of true investigative journalism or vetting information before it was aired on television, but it seems that those days are long gone.

The most recent example of this group-think comes in the repetitive example of Tea Party protesters holding up posters of Obama as Hitler. On the bottom of all of these posters appears the website: So who is LaRouche?

LaRouche, a nearly twenty year member of the Socialist Workers Party and then an eight-time Democratic Party candidate for President, can hardly be described as “anti-government.” He most certainly can not be described as a conservative.

Some of the “”s on these screen caps are a bit blurry, as their signs’ holders are in the process of waving them vigorously, but on the video we have here it can be read clearly.

And most importantly, reporter Ben Tracy was on the scene and had plenty of time and therefore no problem reading them. So why didn’t he?

Wait!? Stop the presses! The regular Janes & Joes of the tea parties didn’t create these Obama-Hitler posters?  A true Socialist/Totalitarian radical did?  Well color me flabbergasted!

Here’s what the poster actually looks like:



Filed under Double Standards, Health Care, Hypocrisy, Media, MSM, Obama, Progressivism, Protests, Tea Party

2 responses to “LaRouche’s Poster Takes the MSM by Storm

  1. Great site! I cannot remember too clearly but I think I discovered your website through a link someone shared on Twitter. . Like the stuff I have seen so far and will absolutely revisit to read more later. By the way, are you on Twitter?

    • crabbycon

      Yes, I am on twitter as @CrabbyCon – I tend to update my twitter status with articles and 140 character opinions more than my blog – since I don’t have a chance to write or opine as much with work 🙂 thanks for visiting!

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