Category Archives: Pelosi

Children of the Political Corn

What is it with liberals and their childish, spoiled behavior?

I was recently at a rally in downtown Annapolis last Wednesday night, held by several organizations to get the state of Maryland back on the side of the people rather than under the thumb of one-party rule.  Several liberals who were protesting the event decided they would start acting up and what better way to act up than to scream racist at every individual who walks by? What good does that do anybody and for what reason? Why is it the liberals who are always pointing out the differences in people rather than what unites us and makes us equal?

These ‘children’ outside of the rally started whining to the police officers that broke up the chaos.  It immediately turned into the blame game – heaven forbid any one of them act like grown-ups, apologize, and let it go. This tends to be the norm from what I have observed from liberals; spoiled children who want everything their way and have no concern for those around them as long as they get what they want.

I like the following analogy; Veruca Salt is to Oompa Loompas as Liberals are to public policy.  I can hear them now: “But, Daddy, I want an Oompa Loompa NOW!” They want immediate gratification like a 5 year old in a toy store, throwing a temper tantrum if an adult says ‘NO,’ in hopes that the parent will eventually kowtow to the child (which has unfortunately become the norm in society).

Liberals want policy NOW – they don’t tend to read the bills, but because they sound nice, based on the game of semantics (loved by every liberal politician), they think that 2,000 page bureaucratic nightmares will create some type of Utopia in America. 

The problem I have with Veruca Salt is her attitude problem and the sheer fact that she doesn’t even know what is involved in caring for an Oompa Loompa because she doesn’t know what it is; but because this new and exotic creature sounds and looks cool – she has to have it! She could wind up killing the poor thing because she doesn’t know what to do with it once she gets it or there could be tons of unintended consequences, and somebody inevitably is always left cleaning up the mess. 

To be honest, I can understand why somebody under 30 still acts like Veruca Salt.  Perhaps they are too sheltered, perhaps they have never experienced hard times, perhaps they still believe that Utopias exist, or perhaps they just haven’t worked long enough to owe the government.  Those who I don’t understand, and feel have no business acting that way, are adults, especially politicians who have a hand in running our country — Case in point: Chuck Shumer.

Chuck Shumer is the epitome of egotistical elitist; a snob so to speak, who would seemingly say anything or stoop to any level just to remain ‘powerful’ in regards to the political arena.

Growing up in Connecticut and living around the limousine liberal elite has taught me that these individuals are nothing more than empty vessels floating along a shallow river of condescension and entitlement.

Chuck Shumer isn’t the only liberal to carry this haughty attitude – it certainly became patently obvious during his BFF, Martha Coakley’s campaign. Their hatred of average Americans is transparent, unlike the healthcare coverage on CSPAN that was promised by Obama’s administration.

I have to wonder, how intelligent or even how mature these politicians think they are when calling their peers names like tea-baggers? Do they believe that calling individuals perverted terms makes them look like pillars of the community? Do they think it makes them sound more intelligent and credible? If that is the case, they are sadly mistaken, because to most it makes them look like bitter, immature, adolescents; the same adolescents currently running amok in our government and spending money like a 16 year old with Daddy’s credit card.  These are the very same congress critters who have been in the majority since 2006 and were running our economy into the ground during the stock market crash. 

It’s easy for Americans to place blame on one individual like George Bush for the disaster called our economy in 2008, but guess what? Congress has more influence over the economy and over the regulations and oversight of the market than the president.  And guess who was supposed to be in charge of those two things when this crisis hit? The liberals, yes, that’s correct, and I dare ask anybody who disagrees to look it up. 

Speak of the devil, Barney Frank would like to change the rules in case Scott Brown wins Teddy Kennedy’s seat today… who cares about all the little people of America who elect these individuals that turn out to be wannabe dictators, right?

I don’t care if you were the valedictorian of your class at Harvard take the cotton out of your ears and stick it in your mouth – The American public no longer wants to hear what you have to say, we just want you to start listening! 

I think it’s time to take a look at some of the best quotes illustrating liberal arrogance in recent history:

Chuck Shumer: Then the flight attendant came by again and told Schumer that everyone on the flight was waiting for him to turn off his phone. He asked to finish his conversation but was told he could not; he then hung up and, according to the aide, he argued about the rule banning him from speaking on the phone.

When the flight attendant walked away, the aide told Politico, Schumer turned to Gillibrand and referred to the woman as a “bitch.”

New York Sen. Charles Schumer, who famously hammered then-Sen. Alfonse D’Amato for calling him a “putz-head” in their hot 1998 campaign, was accused Thursday of stepping into the gutter himself after he sent out a fundraising e-mail in which he called Massachusetts Republican Senate candidate Scott Brown a “far-right tea-bagger.” 

Obama: “You got into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton Administration, and the Bush Administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

John Kerry: “You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.” 

Harry Reid:  “My staff tells me not to say this, but I’m going to say it anyway, in the summer because of the heat and high humidity, you could literally smell the tourists coming into the Capitol. It may be descriptive but it’s true.” 

Don’t forget that Harry also thinks the only reason Barack Obama was electable was his “light skin” and lack of “negro dialect.”

Chris Matthews: Video of Chris Matthews saying that all of the “teabaggers” are white, while talking with Mark McKinnon.

Matthews said, “they’re all white, all of them, every single one of them is white.” Mark McKinnon agreed with Matthews saying “I think that’s a fair characterization, predominately no question.”

Barney Frank: In this view, the role of the great majority of Americans is simply to buy the products produced, work happily for their wages, and leave all of the significant economic decisions to the capitalists.

Nancy Pelosi: Out of touch and calling the middle class (making up the majority of the tea party protests) “Astroturf” & wealthy: What we want is a new direction. In fact, in the President’s initiative – in the Recovery and in the Budget – 95% of the American people get a tax cut. This is a tax cut for the great middle class. This initiative is funded by the high end – we call call it astroturf, it’s not really a grassroots movement. It’s astroturf by some of the wealthiest people in America to keep the focus on tax cuts for the rich instead of for the great middle class.
Barbara Boxer: “Do me a favor,” she said, “could say ‘senator’ instead of ‘ma’am?’ It’s just a thing, I worked so hard to get that title, so I’d appreciate it, yes, thank you.”

More from that exchange:

Boxer: “Sir, they passed it. They passed it. Now, also, if that isn’t interesting you to we’ll quote John Grant, who is the CEO of 100 Black Men of Atlanta.” [She goes on to read quote.]

Alford: “Madam Chair, that is condescending to me. I’m the National Black Chamber of Commerce and you’re trying to put up some other black group to pit against me.”

Boxer: “If this gentlemen were here he would be proud that he was being quoted.”

Alford: “He should have been invited!”

Alan Grayson: If you get sick, America, the Republican health care plan is this: Die quickly. That’s right. The Republicans want you to die quickly if you get sick.

Now, that brings us back around to the Massachusetts Senate race, which will give us a new Senator tonight:

The public can choose a cookie cutter liberal with a bad attitude like the ones referenced above, or a new face, with new ideas, who stands for more than entitlement to a seat and his own ego.

People like Shumer and Coakley are New England elites with law degrees; you don’t need to be a genius or a lawyer to hold a seat in our government; in fact the founding fathers never intended for that in the first place.  Scott Brown may have graduated from law school but he’s spent years serving our country in a more important capacity, as a leader; as a member of our armed services.

Martha Coakley is a special interest, union loving, lobbyist kow-towing, big spending, big government, entitled, limousine liberal.  I’m tired of the same old same old and it’s time for a change, especially in a liberal hot-bed like Massachusetts.  (I can at least spell the state correctly, unlike Martha and her staff). 

Martha Coakley’s new slogan is open mouth, insert foot.  She is quickly replacing Joe Biden as Obama’s Czar of Gaffe. 

Martha Coakley states that there aren’t terrorists in Afghanistan, just weeks after 8 CIA agents were killed by terrorists in that very country.  She believes in freedom of religion, but thinks devout Catholics shouldn’t work in emergency rooms, she spelled Massachusetts wrong in an ad she recently placed on air, adding an extra ‘E’ at the end, and we can’t forget the push heard round the world, when her aide pushed down a conservative reporter and she stood there and did nothing. My personal favorite is of course the double standard – Martha flew down to DC just a week before the special election in MA, to meet with the real fat cats for a fundraiser, some of which were lobbyists from the health care industry – where’s the outrage liberal friends?…crickets*

Martha as of late has also tried to air attack ads painting Brown as a UPS truck driver who will ship jobs overseas, offending not only UPS, but truck drivers, along with Obama’s comments this weekend that anyone can afford a truck… Excuse me sir, but that’s not true – at least not for a majority of people who are jobless at the moment – maybe your liberal elite buddies can afford such luxuries but not the average American just trying to make a living. 

Coakley has also aired an ad using the old World Trade Center as a connection to greed and of course back to Bush, Republicans, and Scott Brown.  The only greed I have seen are the rich Democrats who basically run the hedge funds and Wall Street… a lot of these individuals are part of that ‘evil’ 1% who pay top dollar for CPAs to find loopholes in the tax code.  Stop blaming everything on Republicans when Democrats are evenly split on commercial bank contributions and take the cake when it comes to hedge funds and Fannie & Freddie.

Martha should just quit while she’s… behind… painting herself as disconnected and completely detached from the people.  As recently as yesterday, she told a radio station the American public is basically too stupid to know enough about health care.

I’m getting so tired of the name calling, the fear mongering, and the condescending attitudes of the Democrat party.  It’s time to usher in a new era of principled, uncorrupted individuals.  It’s high time we give some new faces the chance to turn around a ship that’s headed for an iceberg. We need people who understand that serving in this great country means serving their constituents and not themselves.  We need people who have worked in the private sector or don’t feel that they deserve a seat just because it was held by a late senator of the same ideology.  We need people who want to put government back on the side of the people.  I don’t want anymore career politicians and neither should you – let’s start electing grown-ups with standards. 

I hope that Massachusetts does the right thing in electing Scott Brown – it’s time that people vote based not on party affiliation but on trust and who they believe will be honest, sincere, and do the best job. 

Good Luck to Scott, Massachusetts, and to America!


Filed under Boxer, Congress, Democrats, Double Standards, Establishment, Frank, Health Care, Hypocrisy, MSM, Obama, Pelosi, Progressivism, Protests, Tea Party

The Hypocrisy of the Left

I have been extremely troubled by the rhetoric that has come out of the Democrat majority in Congress as well as the Commander in Chief over the last couple of weeks.  If there is one amendment to the Constitution that trumps all others, it would be the first one.  The first amendment is one in which truly separates the free, from the oppressed, and for our own government to denounce healthy dissent and outspoken opposition (whether they agree or not) is just wrong.

Maybe I was delusional over the last 8 years, but as I recall, and even at a much younger age; Bush was demonized as BusHitler, a chimp, an imperial emperor, a dictator, and any other fascist besides Hitler.  I do not recall the Bush administration or those in Congress stooping so low as to turn the attention onto the protesters and accuse them of being such vile groups, names, and of all things: Astroturf. 



It’s true that during the Bush years the media was on the side of the protesters, so that is already one mark against Obama’s opposition, however, more and more are beginning to awaken to the joke that is called the US mainstream media, or the 4th column of the DNC.  Democrats can’t even take half of these channels seriously because they know that even some views that they may tend to agree with aren’t questioned, just sugar-coated.  The media loved the 6 woman protest that sat out front of President Bush’s yard, against the Iraq war, they loved the huge global warming protests, the unions/ACORN protesting banks to force them into making risky loans to those who would otherwise not have the proper credit or income to buy a home.  The media loved all the anti-war protests, where people dressed as Hitler, brought props like guillotines with Bush’s head in a basket, or devil horns on an American-Israeli ally.  All of these and more were acceptable to the media, and even prominent personalities voiced similar opinions (i.e. Keith Olbermann), but now, all of a sudden, those who disagree with their own views are cast out as “tea-bagging, racist rednecks;” sounds  fair and balanced to me.



The hypocrisy comes from the past 8 years where speakers and special guests on college campuses were shouted down, fists thrown through windows to end a lecture, or pies thrown in faces.  The last 8 years had people walking around the White House in orange jumpsuits with black bags over their heads.  The last 8 years had Code Pink groupies shouting during Congressional hearings or holding anti-war protests and blocking people from entering recruiting centers.  The last 8 years was a large scoop of insanity with sprinkles of dissent, and as much as I disagreed with where they stood, and at times, how they went about doing it, they still had that one very basic American right: The freedom of speech.

William Jacobsonput things into perspective when he wrote, “So this is what it comes to. After eight years of protesters hanging George Bush in effigy, calling him a Nazi, disrupting conservative speeches on campuses by taking over stages or throwing pies, creating websites and movies that wished for Bush’s death, and a myriad of other indignities…. After all this time, Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer discover what it means to be ‘Un-American.’”

I recall a not so distant past where Democrats railed against Bush and his unconstitutional Patriot Act, but the ‘true’ supporters are somehow able to turn a blind eye to a President violating a US code and American privacy rights when asking for people to snitch on their neighbors by sending emails about ‘fishy’ comments regarding health care to  The White House is caught in a horrible conundrum since it can neither collect data on individuals, nor can it purge the data once it’s received.  This sounds fairly similar to Bush’s wiretapping, if not worse.  The worst part isn’t even the fact that Obama has actually expanded the wire-tapping program, but that many Democrats are unable to see their own hypocrisy.

The very same could be said about those in the House and the Senate. The White House & Democrat leadership is upset that ‘misinformation’ about the health care bill is out in the public, however, nobody, not even Obama, has been able to clearly articulate the specific clauses and sections of the bill – most likely because many still have not read it.  Misinformation did not seem to be an issue for Democrats in Congress during the Bush administration or the media:

Democrats’ concerns about allowing all viewpoints to be heard accurately would be a lot more credible if they had not been silent when those on the right were being silenced and demagogued.  In many cases leading Democrats were not silent, but actively participated in the demagoguery, spreading misinformation far and wide with the assistance of their friends in the media.

There have been many such examples over the past few decades.  Remember Democrats’ claims that Republicans wanted to starve old people and school children? You know, back when they used to tell Americans on a regular basis that an increase in spending was really a cut if it was not as big an increase as Democrats wanted?

I could write for days about misinformation: Today, it seems as though every liberals’ go-to entities to hate are the evil insurance companies.  I’m sure they all know that insurance companies pay off Democrats and have currently made a deal with Obama to run ads for health care as well as a drug deal similar to Bush’s.  I also enjoy the snippets from politicians and radio show hosts that are taken out of context to make immigrants think that Republicans hate them.  In fact, I just so happened to run into someone who was misinformed, but agreed with every other platform of the Republican party. However, she didn’t vote Republican because of the unfortunate propaganda she had heard.  I disclosed that Republicans believe in immigration; LEGAL immigration.  They believe that those coming to this country should pay taxes, go through the proper paperwork, and abide by the laws of the country they come to, not a free ride for doing things illegally – it’s that simple.  There was also the misinformation about blood for oil.  I guess we will be able to use the term blood for green soon enough.  In my opinion, the worst offense was that, which was propagated by supposed leaders in our government: the war in Iraq was lost, but Democrats had no problem voting for troop support or military supplementals. 

I’m saddened that people who are getting involved politically for the first time are being called astroturf and un-American.  When Democrats put out ads on craigslist or pay off union members to attend protest events, that is astroturf; but not when housewives, nurses, doctors, coal miners, financial analysts, IT engineers, graphic artists, small business owners, and mechanics go to their first protest.  Is it really that difficult for Democrats to believe that there are people in this country who strongly believe in the founding principles of this nation and are tired of the elitist snobbery emanating from Washington?  It’s a sad day when people, even those who disagree, are disappointed to see American citizens getting involved in politics, government, and the future of the nation.  It’s despicable when one party is ashamed of Democracy.


Filed under Congress, Constitution, Democrats, Double Standards, Health Care, Hypocrisy, Obama, Obama Administration, Pelosi, Progressivism, Protests, Tea Party

Congress-Critters Gone Wild

Members of Congress have used every means possible to deter legitimate, organic anger from average Americans.  Anyone who questions or disagrees with the direction of the country or the bills being rushed through the government are un-American, Nazis, KKK members, political terrorists, astroturf, angry mobs, and individuals carrying swastikas. 

I believe that one of the reasons people in middle America are so upset has a lot to do with its very own government calling them names, passing them off as fake, and comparing them to some of the most vile groups in history; meanwhile only wanting their voices to be heard and this insanity to stop. 

I also tend to believe that the sheer disconnect and inability for career politicians to relate to average Americans is another major factor as evidenced by the elitism, name-calling, incompetence, and ignorance below:

Sheila Jackson Lee answers her cell during a question from a cancer survivor at her town hall in Texas:

Arlen Specter says he does not believe that ObamaCare Opponents are representative of America (this man is so incredibly out of touch, when opponents are on the left, right, middle & independent):

Rep. Nikki Tsongas is keeping her health care because she has the choice – unlike We The People if this bill is passed (it will be regulated by the government):

John Dingell compares protesters to the KKK (I truly hope he remembers that his party created the KKK and put into place all the legislation that blocked blacks from getting the vote, or how about the fact that Senator Byrd, one of his Democrat counterparts used to be a member of the KKK):

Pelosi says that protesters are just astroturf, conflating her own party’s paid protesters/union members, with real organic, natural grassroots. She did’t stop there, however, she went on to say we carried Swastikas:

The crowd’s response to Sen. Claire McCaskill says it all:


Filed under Democrats, Dingell, Double Standards, Health Care, Hypocrisy, Jackson-Lee, McCaskill, ObamaCare, Pelosi, Progressivism, Protests, Specter, Tea Party, Tsongas