Tag Archives: Town Halls

Barney Frank’s Arrogance Is Showing, What’s New?

Listen to how Barney Frank responds to several people at his town hall from earlier today. This man is a bumbling buffoon but continues to be voted in. You can apparently destroy the economy and trample over the constitution, but still get voted back into Barney’s district in Massachusetts, so long as you are not a Republican. I would think that some Democrats would begin to get tired and upset by the way Barney Frank treats his constituents, as well as his elitism/attitude problem.


Filed under Congress, Democrats, Health Care, Protests, Tea Party

Seniors Take A Stand On The Health Care Debate

In a health care town hall yesterday, held by Spencer Bachus of Alabama, seniors made up the majority of the audience.  This has appeared to be the norm in many other forums taking place during August’s recess as Congress tries to build support and momentum for a government health care option and health care/insurance reform. 

Cecil Nepomuceno, 73, of Riverchase carried a sign saying “No Government Health Care.”

Nepomuceno says he feels like older people will lose control of their health care options under Obama’s plan. He was sitting with Barbara Jones, 64, of The Narrows. She said she too was concerned about how senior citizens would be treated.  “We’re losing our values,” Jones said.

Knight said she agreed with former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s position about the likelihood of government “death panels.”

“The government should never put itself in the position of assisting people in the decision to die,” Knight said. “It undermines our relationship with our government.”

Seniors are the most concerned demographic regarding the health care debate, and it’s no wonder when they make up the largest portion of  those who require insurance/medicaid/surgeries & pharmaceuticals.  As we age, our health deteriorates, and as our health deteriorates we spend more money on attempting to maintain that health, or at least improve it a little for a better quality of life. 

A government takeover could become a nightmare for people like my grandmother whose kitchen table is her medicine cabinet.  She struggles with osteoporosis, arthritis, 2 replacement hips, and immobility.  She is on multiple drugs and requires home assistance 4 times per week.  She refuses a hand out, or any type of help that would keep her in an institution and out of her own home.  Nobody is sure of what exactly is written in the health care bill, and rightfully so, people are scared.  The cliche “it’s better to be safe than sorry,” is a cliche for a reason.  Seniors have the most to lose if somehow the truth does come out that government health care would be rationed and in order to cut costs, those that are the most expensive to keep alive would be let go first.  There’s no fear-mongering when mentioning rationing.  Why shouldn’t we believe that a government controlled system wouldn’t  end up utilizing rationing to offset astronomical costs when this is already done in other countries that have a public health care system? 

Seniors have become so distraught and angered over a bill that is being rushed without any representatives reading it thoroughly that many have dropped their AARP memberships.  The Obama administration announced that the AARP, a supposed non-partisan group for seniors, had endorsed his health care reform initiative.  They back-tracked when there was citizen outrage at the AARP endorsing a partisan piece of legislation.  The Obama administration is now stating that the AARP does not endorse the health care bill but they support his initiatives.  There really isn’t much difference in either statement, and due to AARP’s partnership with the unions, like SEIU, or AARP’s CEO who contributed 8.9K to Obama’s election campaign, it goes without saying that the AARP is in fact partisan and it is in fact in bed with the left/Obama’s administration.

CBS News has learned that up to 60,000 people have cancelled their AARP memberships since July 1, angered over the group’s position on health care.

Elaine Guardiani has been with AARP for 14 years, and said, “I’m extremely disappointed in AARP.”

Retired nurse Dale Anderson has 12 years with AARP and said, “I don’t wanna be connected with AARP.”

Many are switching to the American Seniors Association, a group that calls itself the conservative alternative.

Can you honestly blame them?  Especially after this town hall in early August where those representing AARP were some of the rudest, excluding Congress, individuals I have seen at a public forum in quite a while?

I’m glad that seniors are taking a stand, voicing their opinions, and making their contributions, or lack thereof, felt far and wide.  Americans of all shapes and sizes, colors and creeds, genders and ages, are voicing their opinions in whatever way they can, whether for or against health care, and this is the essence of the philosophy behind democracy and why our founders envisioned a Republic.  I have always been proud to be an American but even more so since the tea party movement began!

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Filed under Congress, Health Care, Obama Administration, ObamaCare, Progressivism, Tea Party

After Playing Enough Soccer, I Know Astroturf When I See It: Fake Doc At Sheila Jackson-Lee’s Town Hall

The infamous Town Hall of Sheila Jackson-Lee gets even fishier.  I think we should probably flag this woman and the astroturf that attended by sending emails to flag@whitehouse.gov

Not only did Ms. Lee answer her cell phone in the midst of a question from a cancer survivor, but we have come to find out that a woman by the name of Roxana Mayer infiltrated the Town Hall claiming to be a doctor. 

More of how the story unfolded and how the truth trickled out, can be found at Patterico.com – here is a snippet:

Update: The reporter who wrote the Houston Chroniclestory apparently knew that Mayer was an Obama delegate, but didn’t include that detail in her story. Commenter mike in houston says that he wrote reporter Cindy Horswell and received the following response:

This is the name and occupation that she gave when she spoke at the public meeting. She also told me that she was an Obama state delegate and been notified of the meeting by email and did not live in Lee’s district.I have since been trying to see if she misrepresented herself. There is someone by the same name who lists herself as a graduate student and sociologist intern at a Houston council on drugs and alcohol…but that person no longer works there. And do not know if this is the sme person. She may also be a visiting doctor from another state…..Am interested in any information that anyone might have. Best regards, Cindy Horswell

Sorry, Ms. Horswell, she’s not a visiting doctor from another state. And you should have told us she was an Obama delegate.

UPDATE x2: Just to be clear, Mayer specifically represented herself as a “pediatric primary care physician” to the Houston Chronicle, which didn’t bother to check it out, and gave her comments extra weight as a supposed “physician”:

The video of the faux doctor asking questions at the Town Hall:

She completely contradicts herself when she speaks saying the US has the best system, but other developing countries are doing better than us.  Most doctors I know are confident in their stances and do not use words like ‘like’ in their sentences. 

The Houston Chronicle took a photo of Sheila Jackson-Lee giving the “doctor” a hug, since the picture was taken, the caption underneath has been changed on their website.

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Filed under Congress, Double Standards, Health Care, Hypocrisy, Jackson-Lee, Media, Protests, Tea Party