Category Archives: McCaskill

Congress-Critters Gone Wild

Members of Congress have used every means possible to deter legitimate, organic anger from average Americans.  Anyone who questions or disagrees with the direction of the country or the bills being rushed through the government are un-American, Nazis, KKK members, political terrorists, astroturf, angry mobs, and individuals carrying swastikas. 

I believe that one of the reasons people in middle America are so upset has a lot to do with its very own government calling them names, passing them off as fake, and comparing them to some of the most vile groups in history; meanwhile only wanting their voices to be heard and this insanity to stop. 

I also tend to believe that the sheer disconnect and inability for career politicians to relate to average Americans is another major factor as evidenced by the elitism, name-calling, incompetence, and ignorance below:

Sheila Jackson Lee answers her cell during a question from a cancer survivor at her town hall in Texas:

Arlen Specter says he does not believe that ObamaCare Opponents are representative of America (this man is so incredibly out of touch, when opponents are on the left, right, middle & independent):

Rep. Nikki Tsongas is keeping her health care because she has the choice – unlike We The People if this bill is passed (it will be regulated by the government):

John Dingell compares protesters to the KKK (I truly hope he remembers that his party created the KKK and put into place all the legislation that blocked blacks from getting the vote, or how about the fact that Senator Byrd, one of his Democrat counterparts used to be a member of the KKK):

Pelosi says that protesters are just astroturf, conflating her own party’s paid protesters/union members, with real organic, natural grassroots. She did’t stop there, however, she went on to say we carried Swastikas:

The crowd’s response to Sen. Claire McCaskill says it all:


Filed under Democrats, Dingell, Double Standards, Health Care, Hypocrisy, Jackson-Lee, McCaskill, ObamaCare, Pelosi, Progressivism, Protests, Specter, Tea Party, Tsongas